Z-Club:”Getting to Know Zonta” and Collage-Making Contest

From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World.   So goes the theme for the on-the-spot collage making contest held last November 16, 2012 at Childlink High School, Cebu City.

Through the inspiration and initiation of its school directress and Zonta Club of Cebu II member, Ma. Theresa Tio, the Z-Club of Childlink High School Cebu was formed in November.  To celebrate this momentous occasion, Zonta Club of Cebu II sponsored a collage making contest to welcome the 40 Z-Club members of ChildlinkHigh School.

The event started at 2 p.m. with Zontian Flor Miel giving a brief background history of the Z-Club and its goals.  Then contest coordinator, Zontian Wi Suan Tiu, announced the contest theme and the rules for the competition.  Armed with bags and armful of magazines, pebbles, shells, paint, buttons, and whatever materials they can grab (including a discarded bulletin board display), 8 teams got into a frenzy of designing their collage to get their artwork finished in 1 ½ hour.

For the Zonta II Club members who attended the event, it was an amazing experience to witness first hand the creative talent of the students.

Judges had a very tough time picking the top 3 placers.  Criteria for judging were originality, relevance to the theme, symbolism/visual impact, and creativity in the use of materials.  Ist place winner received a P2000 gift certificate from National Bookstore, 2nd place P1500, 3rd place P1000.  An additional cash prize of P500 was awarded to each team through the generosity of some Zonta II members in attendance.