Zonta Club Launches Book on NULLITY & ANNULMENT: A Non Lawyer’s Guide to Philippine Marriage Law

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the book “NULLITY & ANNULMENT: A Non-Lawyer’s Guide to the Philippine Law on Marriage” authored by Atty. May Aguilar.

This book is not just a legal guide; it’s a tool that aligns with Zonta’s mission to prevent underage girls from becoming brides. It provides insights into the basis and procedures for nullifying void marriages, offering a resource to support our advocacy against violence towards women, which can sometimes necessitate the annulment of marriages.

While we always advocate for the sanctity of marriage, we recognize that there are instances where relationships become untenable. In such cases, understanding the legal options available can be empowering. This book puts the law in our hands, providing clarity and guidance for those facing such challenging circumstances.