Rosario R. Alfaro

Term:  1988 – 1990

As we all know – Nothing ever grows without a seed.  It was during the biennium 1988 to 1990 when the two day care centers at Canduman and Tipolo were first planted and nurtured.  With the determination and dedication of my leadership under I had actually dipped my hands in the ground and dirt under my fingernails,  you  will now be amazed on how these projects have grown.

Moreover,  with the growth in membership during that time, there were more who had sown the seeds of service, professionalism and camaraderie,  thus bringing in greater harvest  to the club in her budding years.  Yes,  from the small seed carefully and lovingly  cultivated years ago,  Zonta Club of Cebu II has indeed now grown to be a mighty trunk.