Gasa sa Gugma Start-Of-Year Report 2015

Haircut sessions were done in March, August and December 2014. Thank you to the ever-efficient group leaders, namely Zn. Evelyn Ramas, Zn. Elena Young (assisted by Zn. Liza Young), and Zn. Chona Tremedal. These ladies took care of getting the members involved, collecting for the haircutters’ fees and bringing the snacks for the Gasa residents. In March and August, between 35 to 40 persons were served.

Sister Nirmala, of the Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa, explained that when we didn’t show up in November 2014, they decided to call one barber to cut the hair of Gasa sa Gugma residents, because the Archbishop of Cebu was scheduled to pay them a visit. The Zonta-sponsored haircutters who went on Dec. 29, 2014 did less than 10 heads; so instead they massaged the backs of the elderly wards. (Of course, I had to apologize for the no-show in November).

Group leader Zn. Chona Tremedal brought snacks, soap and detergent. V. Seno also brought detergents.

Sr. Nirmala also said that both the snacks and detergents that we usually bring during the haircut sessions are most welcome. Regarding the food, there are about ten additional old people who live on the sidewalk outside of Gasa sa Gugma, whom they feed lunch and snacks every day. They knock on the gate of Gasa to hand in their containers, which are accepted by the helpers and are hung on the fence for the sisters and their helpers to fill up with food.

Things learned from the last visit:

  1. The sisters look forward to the haircut sessions, because they don’t have the budget to pay haircutters on a regular basis.
  2. The congregation gives to the poor any extra food and produce they have. They are not allowed to have any form of business – even selling of calendars is not allowed.
  3. The DSWD has invited the congregation to register with DSWD, so they can get financial assistance; but since the sisters are not allowed to do accounting and budget planning, they have not affiliated with DSWD. The congregation relies purely on donations (God provides).

Haircut schedules for 2015

  • Group 1 — February 21, 2015 — Leader Zn Edwina Wu
  • Group 2 — May 23, 2015 — Leader Zn Evelyn Ramas
  • Group 3 — August 15, 2015 — Leader Zn Elena Young
  • Group 4 — November 26, 2015 — Leader Zn Chona Tremedal