Teaching reading, and good hygiene habits such as proper handwashing and toothbrushing to children has always been the primary advocacy of the Z Club of ChildLink Cebu.
In support of Zonta Club of Cebu 2’s Read Aloud Program at the Rizal Public Library, the Z club members performed a puppet show for school children, 4-5 years old last September 26. The puppet show taught and reinforced to the young children the importance of proper handwashing and toothbrushing.
Z Club members believe that children need to keep themselves clean to remain healthy and to feel good about themselves. Good personal hygiene will help boost their self-esteem and confidence.
Z Club is the youth group of Zonta Club of Cebu 2 organized to hone the young ones to become good leaders and be the catalyst for understanding among all people —- in their own families, their school, the community, their country, and the world.
c/o WanderLanes Travel
Ginza Place
old Banilad Road, Banilad
Cebu City 6000, Philippines
Copyright © 2012. Zonta International Cebu II - Cebu City, Philippines