ZONTA CLUB OF CEBU II TACKLES : What Does Misogyny Look Like, and Why Should We Care?

The topic of misogyny is obscured by a haze of misconceptions. Some define it as a deep hatred harbored by men towards women and girls while others look at it as sexism caused by our society’s history of patriarchy.

Last November 30, 2021, the Zonta Club of Cebu II celebrated the 5th Day of its 18 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women with a webinar that tackled “What Does Misogyny Look Like and Why Should We Care?”.

The audience was welcomed by Zontian Marietta Malinao with an empowering statement on the dangers of normalizing misogyny. “The normalization and pervasiveness of sexism are apparent daily that people fail to notice”, Ms. Malinao added.
Resource speaker, Deputy Director for Research and Publication Center for Women and Gender Studies of the University of the Philippines (UP), Dr. Marby Villaceran, started her discussion through an interactive activity where participants were asked to input three impressions on being a man and woman.

Today, women continuously experience Discrimination, Exploitation, Marginalization, Oppression, and Subordination or DEMOS and that gender relations are hierarchical – when accepted as natural, it preserves the asymmetrical power structure. Efforts of various groups and clubs advocating for women’s rights and empowerment such as the Zonta Club of Cebu II have made progress towards reducing DEMOS.

As her talk came to an end, Dr. Villaceran presented the Gender and Development Program or Magna Carta of Women (Republic Act 9710). The program seeks to achieve gender equality and transform society’s social, economic, and political structures, where both men and women benefit from a perspective that does not limit them to be who they want to be.

The Misogyny webinar concluded with the sharing of personal experiences by Celine German Lagundi, one of the founders of Gabriella Youth of the University of San Carlos (USC), and Charlene Virlouvet, a performer from Vagina Monologues.

The Webinar organized by Zonta Club of Cebu II was attended by women supporters and activists among whom were Zonta International District 17 Governor Chavali Pamela “Pam” Osathanugrah from Zonta Club of Bangkok II Thailand, Zontians in Area 3, Rotarians, Mandaue LGUs, GAD representatives, teachers, and students from various colleges and universities.