Cebu Zonta Clubs Advocate Against Teen Pregnancy Through Education Campaign

Realizing that about 200,000 teens in the Philippines get pregnant annually, the Zonta Club of Cebu II and the Z Club of Childlink conducted an awareness campaign to provide accurate and consistent sex and gender development education in schools. The campaign aimed to debunk common myths about contraception and pregnancy prevention methods among adolescents and encouraged participants to advocate and speak out against early teen pregnancy among their peers.

The campaign featured resource speakers Dr. Chona Tremedal, a Zontian, and resident staff from the Cebu Doctors’ University Hospital Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, who are actively campaigning against teen pregnancy. They shared true-to-life stories of teen mothers and identified factors that lead to teens’ disproportionate risk-taking behaviors.

Following the talks, Z Club members created taglines and slogans that reflected the thoughts and principles learned from the session, reinforcing their commitment to advocating against early teen pregnancy and promoting healthy, informed choices among their peers.

SOURCE: Zonta Club of Cebu II and Z Club of Childlink debunk teenage pregnancy myths