USPF Golden Z Club Holds ZONTA Orientation

By: Antoine Joy D. Montecalvo

Zeal. Zest. Zenith. – What better words in a “shout-out” following the orientation of the Golden Z Club of USPF, on the 15th of December 2023, held at the USPF Moot Court. The event was facilitated by the USPF Golden Z Club as part of the annual celebration of the College of Education, Arts, and Sciences (CTEAS) Days. This school year, CTEAS Days 2023 was commemorated with the theme: Ready, Set, and Goal-driven.

The said orientation opened the second day of CTEAS Days at 10 o’clock in the morning, wherein students and instructors alike, alongside Zontian guest speakers were present.

The ZONTA Orientation then commenced with an immensely dynamic welcome remarks by Dr. Jane Evita Ngo, USPF Golden Z Club adviser, alongside her “little reindeers”. The presentor of the orientation proper, Zn. Vivien Seno, explained about ZONTA International and Zonta Club of Cebu II, highlighting the advocacy of service to women and children.

Zn. Seno oriented the attendees about the Golden Z Club and gave insights on what they can do in the organization. Past Golden Z Club members were highly motivated, having participated, with much vigor, in several activities of Zonta Cebu II, such as book reading and supervising parent-and-child sessions during the monthly Family Literacy Program meetings. The COVID-19 lockdown could not suppress the students’ creativity, and rose up to the challenge to implement their own idea of holding a Digital Competition. The activity took place in November 2021, and the Golden Z members proudly exhibited a video presentation about the activity, as part of the orientation program.

The last segment of the ZONTA Orientation was the talk about the Alimbukad Basa Pamilya: A Family Literacy Program given by Zn. Marietta Malinao. The USPF Golden Z Club was an active participant in the program and Zn. Malinao informed the attendees on the upcoming revival of the said program, as it was halted due to the surge of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The orientation ended with the ZONTA Unity song, spreading out the message of equality and empowerment of women. Indeed “Empowered women empower others.”