ZONTA CEBU 2 PROJECT: Women, Gender, Family Awareness


In line with Zonta International and Zonta Club Cebu 2’s global annual awareness program aptly called ”18 Days of Activism,” the club hopes to focus on Women’s and Children’s rights.

How? By launching a Women, Gender and Family Studies Section at the Cebu City Public Library.

“The installation is part of the Club’s ‘18 Days of Activism’ to stop gender-based violence, which commenced last Nov. 25,” announced Tourism Undersecretary and Zonta Cebu 2 president, lawyer Mae Elaine Bathan.

“The section contains reading materials on Gender mainstreaming and various laws on the rights of women and children. These materials are a way to empower those who are the most vulnerable, that are, the women and children” she said.

In conclusion, it is Zonta Cebu 2’s top priority as it comes in unity with the rest of the country to finally establish a VAW (Violence Against Women)-free Philippines.