Adopt – A – Barangay Program

After signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between  Zonta Club of Cebu II and Barangay Alang-Alang, Mandaue City on October 21, 2009, there had been a lot of  Barangay Alang-Alang interventions by Zonta Club of Cebu II such as  advocacy trainings, medical missions, aid to fire victims, anti-dengue larvicide treatment,  gift-giving to Alang-Alang Daycare center children, active support to the Alternative Learning System (ALS)  for out of school youths in the barangay.

With the new biennium, 2012-2014, there is an ongoing promotion of advocacy on Women’s Economic Development by improving the income of Alang-Alang women through livelihood  training specifically cooking and food preparation based on the following process:

  1. Formal organizing of women representatives coming from the ten (10) Sitios comprising the barangay. The group formed themselves into KAPUNONGAN SA KABABAYEN-AN  PARA SA  KAUGMAON SA KATILINGBAN SA BARANGAY ALANG-ALANG (Barangay Alang-Alang 4K )
  2. Leadership Training and relationship enhancement among members as ably conducted by Zn. Odette Jereza.
  3. Induction of members and installation of officers before Bgy.Capt. Myleen G. Sanchez inorder to formally outline their responsibilities and commitment to the organization, Alang-Alang 4K.
  4. Cooking demonstration and Hands-on training for all members as conducted      by professional trainors  from TESDA
  5. To conduct  a Bookkeeping  and  Business Management Seminar and skills training especially for small  scale businesses..
  6. To launch a pilot marketing strategy by way of Mobile Cart Food Vending On December 15, 2012.

The ultimate goal is to achieve Women Empowerment and to improve the Status of women in Barangay Alang–Alang.