The haircut service for the residents of Gasa sa Gugma, was started by then Zonta 2 President Elsa B. Basubas, at the very start of her 2-year term in 2010. Gasa Sa Gugma is a charitable facility that cares for the abandoned elderly and sick members of the Cebu City society, under the supervision of The Sisters of Mother Teresa of Calcutta..
The Zonta 2 members have been divided into 3 groups with team leaders, as follows:
Each group had been faithful to the scheduled haircut session every four months, currently on its third cycle. Group 1 in March, Group 2 in July and Group 3 in November, with two sessions already finished for 2012. On March 24, 2012 and August 18, 2012, 30 and 34 persons, respectively, had their hair cropped. The men and women took turns sitting on the barbers’ chairs laid out under the trees on the open grounds of the facility. The Zontian group leaders, and their members, arrived on their assigned days with snacks for the 80 residents. Tasty bread, nutritious lugao and thirst-quenching juice.
The last activity for the year has been scheduled tentatively for November 24, 2012.
The empowered women survivors (domestic violence) have been prioritized, in considering whom to tap as haircut service providers, through Eva (thank you). It was fun watching multi-talented Zontian Marilou Canizares, as she accommodated the request of one woman resident of Gasa, who wanted her hair to be cut like some actress’s hair.
c/o WanderLanes Travel
Ginza Place
old Banilad Road, Banilad
Cebu City 6000, Philippines
Copyright © 2012. Zonta International Cebu II - Cebu City, Philippines